CyberBearz 2048

buy Mint Price
0.08 ETH
buy Total supply
calendar Mint Date
24 Jun 00:00 UTC
activity About the Project

A collection of 1024 NFT furry CyberBearz space fleet officers on the ETH blockchain. Small supply, $CYBERSODA token, second generation mintability, DAO.


Background staking is immediately available, in which NFT brings $CYBERSODA to its owner every day (the amount depends on the CyberBear rank). Part of the ETH from the mint will go to $CYBERSODA liquidity.

2 Gen

By owning 2 first generation NFTs and some $CYBERSODA, you can mint second generation CyberBearz 2048.


Part of the ETH from mint will be immediately placed on the community wallet. The wallet will be funded by royalties and the BearzVerse ecosystem. Owners of CyberBearz 2048 will be able to decide how to use this fund.


The CyberBearz 2048 collection is part of the already existing BearzVerse project, which includes various areas of Web3 technology development.

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