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7 Feb 19:00 UTC
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The DISOBEYPUNKS is a collection of 7,000 unique Pop art-based NFT collectibles living on the Polygon blockchain. A community-driven collectibles project featuring art by CiCK (The artist behind Punkedups, ElonMonst). DISOBEYPUNKS come in a mysterious range of colors, traits and the most important thing, A PUNK SOUL! Because true PUNKS are the DISOBEY ONES; We want to fight with the big brother (CryptoPunks) in the most artistic way, join the army of DISOBEYPUNKS and help us start the revolution against BIG BROTHER. As long as we are separated, we’re powerless and obedient; but when we become one, we’re undefeatable—the disobedient ones. “Because there is one bread, we who are many, are one body, since all of us share the one bread.” (1 Corinthians 10:17) Join us now and mint your DISOBEYPUNK with ONE matic! +In the context of the metaverse, The DISOBEYPUNKS are NFTs that live on the Polygon Blockchain as ERC-721 tokens; our smart contract is verified on polyscan.com and available for the public to read. https://polygonscan.com/address/0x2170a8226ad8afb634d17f1a23038c8eb17a5902 Artist: https://cick.xyz Reveal date: 7 Feb

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