Legacy Leaders NFT

buy Mint Price
.07 ETH
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calendar Mint Date
31 Jul 14:00 UTC
activity About the Project

Our Mission.

Legacy Leaders NFT is bringing education to Web3 about passive real estate investing.

Who is this for?

If you have ever thought about investing in real estate, this community is for you. By joining Legacy Leaders, you will:

  • Obtain the knowledge needed to be a leader in your own financial story.
  • Expand your knowledge of passive income.
  • Improve your financial literacy.
  • Create legacy wealth and time freedom.

What you will get.

  • Real Estate Education can cost from 1,000 to upwards of 50,000 dollars: Legacy Leaders gives you great education and direct access to professional real estate investors: Jason and Pili Yarusi. Our genesis mint price makes attaining legacy wealth more affordable.
  • Access to our private platform on Discord. Learn passive investing in a fun and interactive way. Genesis Members will have special considerations including irl meet-ups and convention access, Community Perks, Merch, Future Legacy Leader NFT drops and more…
  • Weekly leaders only live AMAs. Learn how to vet and invest passively in Real Estate Syndications. Recordings will be available for all Legacy Leaders NFT holders.
  • Vetted deal flow and if you are an accredited investor you have the chance to invest on every deal Yarusi Holdings sponsors. We will provide an investment summary and live webinar for each.
  • For those who are accredited and non-accredited, KYC and participated fully in the at least 3 live calls with Jason and Pili – there will be a chance to participate in deals that cannot be widely marketed.
  • Membership in a DAO focused on supporting inclusive and educational NFT based businesses. Governance and voting rights will be in the hands of our Legacy Leaders. A percentage of the mint will go directly to the DAO.
  • % of the mint will be used to fund IRL real estate investments. Proceeds from these investment will be gifted back to the DAO as a way to create long term sustainability for the DAO beyond secondary sales and to provide our membership with the educational simulation of an actual deal.
Join our Discord to learn more. Find that and more at : legacyleadersnft.com

Our presale is July 27, 2022 – 0.4 ETH
Our public sale is July 31, 2022 – 0.5 ETH
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