Lion King At Job

buy Mint Price
0.077 ETH
buy Total supply
calendar Mint Date
7 Sep 16:17 UTC
activity About the Project



The link to the promotional video of our project is below; please watch it.


Be aware of our difference.

We are giving away 177 Ethereum worth of rewards in our first-of-its-kind and unique kingdom

Let’s find out


We give you a card for a short time when you randomly mint LKAJ NFT on In the Reveal Day, the lion that is hidden in the back of these cards shows itself and at this stage, our reward system comes into play. In case you come across one of the lions belonging to the royal family, we leave an offer to buy it directly from you. If you prefer, you make the sale to us


Total Reward: 177 Ethereum

King 15 ETH

When you buy LKAJ, if you come across a King, you will earn 15 ETH.


Queen 15 ETH

When you buy LKAJ, if you come across a Queen, you will earn 15 ETH.


7x Dukes & 7x Duchess 4,5 ETH

When you buy LKAJ, if you come across a Dukes & Duchess, you will earn 4,5 ETH.


84x Guardian 1 ETH

When you buy LKAJ, if you come across a Guardian, you will earn 1 ETH.

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