Your PAC Apes can find their lifelong companion within this 5k collection of Ape Wives on Polygon!
The PAC team would like to thank all of our holders for bearing with us, as we keep pushing through our roadmap! A snapshot of those holding a PAC will be taken on March 29th, all holders in the snapshot will be airdropped (1) Ape Wife from this collection.
The rest will be minted starting with;
Whitelist mint – April 1st @ 2 MATIC each (1 mint per wallet)
Public mint – April 2nd @ 4 MATIC each (3 mints per wallet)
PAC Wives will be a stakable collection, and yield $NANA token alongside PAC Season 1 + our upcoming Season 2 collection. After mint is complete, most of the proceeds will go directly into a Liquidity Pool to set up, and initiate staking for $NANA sooner than originally planned!
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