
buy Mint Price
0.03 ETH
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calendar Mint Date
20 Jan 00:00 UTC
activity About the Project

With TimeVerseNFT you can buy Time in the Metaverse, literally. 1. Whether it is a historical date like the landing of Apollo 11 on the Moon or a date of significance to you like your child’s birthday now you can own it forever. 2. Go Beyond Collectibles: pile up utilities! Take advantage of the Extratime perk, you will have more & more earning opportunities during the staking, p2e and events with the most famous project in the Metaverse. 3. A part of a bigger picture. Each NFT in its singularity intimately unites its owner with the chosen date. However as each date and therefore each NFT are linked to the previous and following, combined together they bring to life a sort of creature, a web of synapses that keeps expanding as new ones attach to the existing ones. Our artist Simone has created this and we can’t wait to reveal it fully to our holders!

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