VQ2: Battle For New Venice

buy Mint Price
.088 ETH
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calendar Mint Date
18 Apr 08:23 UTC
activity About the Project

VQ2 is essentially an interactive board game played entirely via NFTs and Social Media. The game revolves around 8 criminal factions attempting to take control of the bustling city of New Venice.


Players mint characters that align them with one of the factions, and then must work together with their teammates to eliminate the other factions and claim the huge prizes for the final faction remaining!


All VQ2 characters are hand-drawn 1/1 art from our team of 15 artists.


As with all VQ games, VQ2 exists in the expanding narrative universe of VQ. Surviving characters from the first VQ game in 2021 make their way back into VQ2, as well as some of the players from the first VQ game becoming characters in VQ2. Which players from VQ2 will become characters in VQ3? Its time to find out. Its up to you to write the ending to the story of New Venice and continue writing the history of the VQ universe.

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